Postfix Completion

Last modified: 24 April 2024

Postfix code completion lets you add template code around an expression you’ve just typed. A template expands when you type its abbreviation (postfix) after a dot and press the expansion key ( by default) or when you select the abbreviation in the code completion popup. For example, the .if postfix applied to an expression wraps it with an if statement.

IntelliJ IDEA is shipped with a set of predefined postfix templates and lets you define your own custom ones, refer to Create custom postfix templates.

Custom templates can be copied, updated, and removed. For predefined templates you can only change their postfixes, for example to replace a long key with a shorter one, or to expand the list of expression types where a template can be applied.

On this page, enable and disable postfix templates , create new ones, and choose keyboard keys to expand them.