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Logging call not guarded by log condition

Reports logging calls with non-constant arguments that are not surrounded by a guard condition. The evaluation of the arguments of a logging call can be expensive. Surrounding a logging call with a guard clause prevents that cost when logging is disabled for the level used by the logging statement. This is especially useful for the least serious level (trace, debug, finest) of logging calls, because those are most often disabled in a production environment.


public class Principal { void bad(Object object) { if (true) { LOG.debug("log log log " + expensiveCalculation(object)); } LOG.debug("some more logging " + expensiveCalculation(1)); } void good(Object) { if (LOG.isDebug()) { LOG.debug("value: " + expensiveCalculation(object)); } } }

Locating this inspection


Can be used to locate inspection in e.g. Qodana configuration files, where you can quickly enable or disable it, or adjust its settings.

Via Settings dialog

Path to the inspection settings via IntelliJ Platform IDE Settings dialog, when you need to adjust inspection settings directly from your IDE.

Settings or Preferences | Editor | Inspections | Java | Logging

Configure the inspection:

  • Use the Logger class name field to specify the logger class name used.

  • Use the table to specify the logging methods this inspection should warn on, with the corresponding log condition text.

  • Use the Flag all unguarded logging calls option to have the inspection flag all unguarded log calls, not only those with non-constant arguments.

Inspection options

Here you can find the description of settings available for the Logging call not guarded by log condition inspection, and the reference of their default values.

Logger class name


Flag all unguarded logging calls

Not selected


By default bundled with

IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1, Qodana for JVM 2024.1,

Can be installed with plugin

Java, 241.18072

Last modified: 18 June 2024