Inspectopedia 2024.3 Help

Non-platform TokenSet declared in ParserDefinition

Reports TokenSet field declarations referencing non-platform element types in ParserDefinition classes.

All languages ParserDefinition are created on the application startup. Declaring a TokenSet referencing non-platform language element types may cause creating and registering all the language element types in the holder class of the referenced type, even if a project doesn't contain any files in this language.


// element types holder: public interface MyLangTokenTypes { IElementType COMMENT = new MyLangTokenType("COMMENT"); IElementType TYPE1 = new MyLangTokenType("TYPE1"); IElementType TYPE2 = new MyLangTokenType("TYPE2"); // more types... } // bad: public class MyLangParserDefinition implements ParserDefinition { // this field causes initializing and registering all the types from MyLangTokenTypes: private static final TokenSet COMMENTS = TokenSet.create(MyLangTokenTypes.COMMENT); @NotNull @Override public TokenSet getCommentTokens() { return COMMENTS; } ... } // good: public final class MyLangTokenSets { public static final TokenSet COMMENTS = TokenSet.create(MyLangTokenTypes.COMMENT); } public class MyLangParserDefinition implements ParserDefinition { @NotNull @Override public TokenSet getCommentTokens() { // types are referenced and registered only when this method is called: return MyLangTokenSets.COMMENTS; } ... } // good (Kotlin): // top-level declaration is not loaded until getCommentTokens() method is called: private val COMMENTS = TokenSet.create(MyLangTokenTypes.COMMENT); class MyLangParserDefinition : ParserDefinition { override getCommentTokens(): TokenSet { return COMMENTS; } ... } // good: public class MyLangParserDefinition implements ParserDefinition { // allowed platform TokenSet: private static final TokenSet COMMENTS1 = TokenSet.EMPTY; // allowed platform TokenType: private static final TokenSet COMMENTS2 = TokenSet.create(TokenType.WHITE_SPACE); @NotNull @Override public TokenSet getCommentTokens() { ... } ... }

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New in 2023.2

Inspection Details

By default bundled with:

IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3, Qodana for JVM 2024.3,

Can be installed with plugin:

Plugin DevKit, 243.23126

Last modified: 03 December 2024