UI form
- Assignment to UI-bound field
Reports assignments to fields which are bound to components in UI Designer forms.
- Button group with one button
Reports ButtonGroup instances that contain only one JRadioButton.
- Duplicate mnemonics
Reports components that have duplicated mnemonic characters.
- Hardcoded string literal in a UI form
Reports any instances of hardcoded strings in your UI forms.
- Invalid property key in a UI form
Reports unresolved references to .properties files.
- Missing mnemonics
Reports focusable components with the text property or labels with the assigned labelFor property that do not have a mnemonic character.
- No label for component
Reports components that do not have any static text and do not have any label marked with setLabelFor for this component.
- Radio button not in a group
Reports JRadioButton components that are not placed in ButtonGroup.
- Scrollable component not in JScrollPane
Reports Scrollable components, except for JTextField, that are not placed in JScrollPane.
- Typo in a UI form
Reports typos and misspelling in your UI forms (for example, in a JLabel text or JPanel title) and fixes them with one click.