Kotlin Multiplatform Development stable Help

Create a Compose Multiplatform app — tutorial

With the Compose Multiplatform UI framework, you can push the code-sharing capabilities of Kotlin Multiplatform beyond application logic. You can implement the user interface once and then use it for all the platforms you target – iOS, Android, desktop, and web.

In this tutorial, you will build a sample application that runs on Android, iOS, and desktop. To create a user interface, you will use the Compose Multiplatform framework and learn about its basics: composable functions, themes, layouts, events, and modifiers.

Things to keep in mind for this tutorial:

  • No previous experience with Compose Multiplatform, Android, or iOS is required. We do recommend that you become familiar with the fundamentals of Kotlin before starting.

  • To complete this tutorial, you'll only need Android Studio. It allows you to try multiplatform development on Android and desktop. For iOS, you'll need a macOS machine with Xcode installed. This is a general limitation of iOS development.

  • If you wish, you can limit your choice to the specific platforms you're interested in and omit the others.

Get to know Compose Multiplatform by completing these steps:

First step Set up an environment for cross-platform development

Second step Create your multiplatform project

Third step Explore composable code

Fourth step Modify your project

Fifth step Create your own application from scratch

Next step

Start by setting up an environment for multiplatform development.

Proceed to the next part

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Last modified: 22 May 2024