
Accessing Settings 

On this page:

This section describes simple steps required to access the Settings/ dialog. Note that the settings that pertain to the current project, are marked with the Current Project icon.

Opening the Settings / Preferences dialog 

Do one of the following:

  • Press Ctrl+Alt+S.

  • On the main toolbar, click Settings.

  • On the main menu, choose File | Settings for Windows and Linux or MPS | Preferences for macOS.

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+A, type settings and press Enter.

  • Click Search everywhere in the upper-right corner of the MPS window, and type #.

Refer to Finding an option or setting using Search Everywhere or Find Action below.

Finding an option or setting 

  1. Open the Settings / Preferences dialog. .

  2. In the search field, start typing the text that you expect to find in the name of the setting. As soon as the specified text is found, the matching element is highlighted and the corresponding page is displayed.

    find settings

Finding an option or setting using Search Everywhere 

You can also use Search for a target by name. To find an option or setting, first type # character, and then choose one of the suggested categories:

find setting1
Last modified: 5 July 2019