Alt #
This section lists and describes the keyboard shortcuts that include the Alt key:
Alt+Alphanumeric keys #
Shortcut | Function | Use this shortcut to... |
Alt+O | Export to Text File | Export a tool window's content to a text file. |
Alt+Q | Context Info | Show the current method or class declaration when it is not visible. |
Alt+Number | Open tool window | Open a tool window with the corresponding number. |
Alt+/ | Code completion / Expand word | Expand string at caret to any word in the visible scope that starts with the same characters. |
Alt+` | VCS operations | Show quick list with the most required version control commands. |
Alt+Navigation keys #
Shortcut | Function | Use this shortcut to... |
Alt+Delete | Safe Delete | Delete selected class/method/field checking its usages. |
Alt+Enter | Show Intention Action | Display intention actions (if any) for a code where the caret is currently located. |
Alt+Home | Activate Navigation Bar | Bring focus to the Navigation bar. |
Alt+Insert | Create new entity | Depending on the context:
Alt+Down | Navigate to Next Method | Navigate to the next method declaration in the active editor tab. |
Alt+Left | Select Previous Tab | Depending on the context:
Alt+Right | Select Next Tab | Depending on the context:
Alt+Up | Navigate to Previous Method | Navigate to the previous method declaration in the active editor tab. |
Alt+Function (F) keys #
Shortcut | Function | Use this shortcut to... |
Alt+F1 | Select Target | Move focus from the current file, class, method or reference to a data source table to a view suggested in the Select Target popup. See Source code navigation. |
Alt+F7 | Find Usages | |
Alt+F8 | Evaluate Expression | Debugger: Evaluate an arbitrary expression. |
Alt+F9 | Run to Cursor | Debugger: Run to the line where the caret is located. |