
Apply Patch Dialog 

VCS | Apply Patch

Use the dialog box to restore changes from a patch file.


Tooltip and Shortcut


Patch file name

Specify the name of the *.patch file that you want to apply. Enter the fully qualified name or click Browse icons general ellipsis and select the patch file in the dialog that opens.

icons actions diff svg

Show diff

Click to open the difference viewer that shows the differences between your local working copy, the repository version, and the patch.

icons vcs mapBase

Map base directory

In the dialog that opens, select the directory relative to which file names in the patch file will be interpreted. You can map a base directory to a single file, directory, or to a selection.

icons vcs stripDown

Strip Directory

Use this button to apply the changes to files located in different directories from the ones specified in the patch. Clicking this button removes one slash in the path to the target file. Click the button as many times as many leading directories you need to strip. The number of removed slashes is indicated in square brackets.

icons vcs stripUp

Restore Directory

Use this button to revert the last strip directory action. Click the button as many times as many previously stripped leading directories you need to restore.

icons vcs resetStrip

Reset Directories

Use this button to revert all strip directory actions in the selection.

icons vcs stripNull

Remove Directories

Click this button to have all the leading directories stripped and have the changes applied to the file with the specified name in the base directory.

icons actions refresh svg


Click this button to synchronize the tree with the current state of the file system.

icons actions groupBy svg

Group By

Click to select how you want to group files modified in the patch.

icons actions expandall svg icons actions collapseall svg

Expand All/Collapse All
Ctrl+NumPad Plus
Ctrl+NumPad -

Use these buttons to expand/collapse all nodes


This section displays summary information for the currently selected changelist (the number of modified, new, and deleted files).


Select an existing changelist or type the name of a new changelist where you want the patch to be added.


Enter a comment to the new changelist.

Set active

Select this checkbox to have MPS automatically give the active status to the new changelist immediately after the changes are restored in it. When this checkbox is cleared, the current active changelist remains active.

Track context

Select this checkbox to have MPS preserve the context of the task associated with the new changelist on its deactivation and restore the context when the changelist becomes active.

Analyze and Apply Patch from Clipboard on the Fly

Select this option if you want MPS to automatically detect patches in clipboard contents and suggest applying them.

Last modified: 5 July 2019