
Commit Dialog 

File | Settings | Version Control | Commit Dialog for Windows and Linux
MPS | Preferences | Version Control | Commit Dialog for macOS
Ctrl+Alt+S the Settings/Preferences icon

Use this dialog to configure the commit changes options.



Clear initial commit message

Select this option if you do not want automatically fill the commit message fields with the previous commit message.

Force non-empty commit comments

Select this option if you want to restrict committing changes without entering a commit message.

Show unversioned files

Select this option if you want new files that have not been added to a VCS yet to be listed in the Commit Changes dialog.

Suggest to move uncommitted changes to another changelist

Select this option if you want MPS to suggest moving changes to another changelist if you exclude them from a commit.

Create changelist on failed commit

Select whether you want a new changelist to be created if a commit fails.

Commit message inspections

Select the inspections that you want to be applied to the commit message.

Last modified: 5 July 2019

See Also