Configuring Intention Actions #
Introduction #
MPS makes it possible to configure intention action settings either in the Intentions page of the Settings/Preferences dialog, or "on-the-fly".
By default, all available intention actions that ship with MPS, are enabled. By changing the Intention settings, you can disable the actions that are not required for your current working environment.
Configuring intention settings using the Settings/Preferences dialog #
To configure intention settings using the Settings/Preferences dialog #
Open the Settings / Preferences Dialog by pressing Ctrl+Alt+S or by choosing for Windows and Linux or for macOS, and click Intentions under Editor.
- In the Intentions page, clear the checkboxes of the intention actions or action categories that you do not currently need.
Selecting or clearing a category affects all intention actions in this category.
Apply changes and close the dialog.
Configuring intentions on-the-fly #
To configure intention settings on-the-fly #
In the editor, press Alt+Enter to reveal the inspection alert and suggestion list.
Select the action to be disabled, then click right arrow button or just press the right arrow key.
On the submenu, choose Disable <intention action name>.