
Create Branch or Tag Dialog (Subversion) 

VCS | Subversion | Create Branch or Tag

In this dialog box, set the arguments for creating a branch or a tag on the basis of a local working copy or a repository version.



Copy from

In this section, specify the source folder to create a branch or tag from. The source of the copy can be taken from the local working copy or from the repository.

Working Copy

Click this option to create a branch or tag on the basis of your local working copy. Type the path in the text box or click Browse the Browse button and select the desired directory in the dialog that opens.

Repository Location

Click this option to create a branch or tag on the basis of the repository. Do one of the following:
  • Type the URL of the repository location in the text box.

  • Click the browse button and select the source repository location.

  • Click the IDEA.gif WebStorm logo button to use the project home directory.


In this section, specify the source revision to create a branch or tag from. The available options are:
  • HEAD - select this option to have a branch or tag created on the basis of the HEAD revision.

  • Specified - select this option to have a branch or tag created on the basis of a specific revision. Type the revision number in the text box manually or click Browse browseButton.png and select the desired revision in the Changes Browser dialog box, that opens.

Copy to

Use this section to define the target folder for a branch or tag. The available options are:
  • Branch or Tag - select this option to have the selected revision copied to a specific branch or tag.
    In the Base URL text box, specify the base URL of the branch or tag. In the Name text box, specify the name of the new branch.

  • Any location - select this option to have to have the selected revision copied to a location of your choice. In the text box below, specify the URL of any valid location. Type the URL manually or click Browse browseButton.png and specify the desired location in the Select Repository Location dialog box, that opens.


Type some meaningful description in the text area.

Switch to the newly created branch or tag

Select to jump to the branch or tag you've created.

Last modified: 5 July 2019

See Also