
Creating and Editing Run/Debug Configurations 

With the Navigation bar visible (View | Navigation Bar), the available run/debug configurations are displayed in the run/debug configuration selector in the Run area:

MPS provides the Run/Debug Configuration dialog as a tool for handling run/debug configurations: creating configuration profiles or changing the default ones.

Create a run/debug configuration 

  1. Open the Run/Debug Configuration dialog:

    • Select Run | Edit Configurations from the main menu.

    • With the Navigation Bar visible (View | Navigation Bar), select Edit Configurations from the Add Configuration selector.

    • Press Shift+Alt+F10, then press 0 or select the configuration from the popup and press F4.

  2. In the Run/Debug Configuration dialog, click (icons general add svg) on the toolbar or press Alt+Insert. The list shows the default run/debug configurations. Select the desired configuration type.

    The fields that appear in the right-hand pane display the default settings for the selected configuration type.

  3. For a new run/debug configuration:
    • Specify its name in the Name field. This name will be shown in the list of the available run/debug configurations.

    • Specify whether you want to make MPS check execution status of the instances of the same run/debug configuration. If you want to make sure that only one instance of the run/debug configuration is currently executed, select the checkbox Single instance only. In this case, a confirmation dialog will show up every time you try to launch run/debug configuration, when one instance of the same type is still running.

      If you click OK in the confirmation dialog, the first instance of the runner will be stopped, and the next one will take its place.

      If this checkbox is not selected, you can launch as many instances of the runner as required. As the result, each runner will start in its own tab of the Run tool window.

  4. In the Before launch section, define whether you want to

  5. Specify additional parameters depending on the configuration type. For descriptions of run/debug configuration parameters, refer to the Run/Debug Configurations Dialog section.

  6. Apply the changes and close the dialog.

Edit an existing run/debug configuration 

  1. Do one of the following:
    • From the main menu, choose Run | Edit Configurations.

    • With the Navigation Bar visible (View | Navigation Bar), choose Edit Configurations from the run/debug configurations selector.

    • Press Shift+Alt+F10, then press 0 to display the Edit Configuration dialog, or select the configuration from the popup and press F4.

  2. In the corresponding run/debug configuration dialog, change parameters as required.

Manage multiple run configurations using the Run Dashboard 

You can manage multiple run/debug configurations at once in a dedicated tool window. For example, you can start, pause, and stop several applications, track their status, and examine application-specific details.

Enable the Run Dashboard 

  1. Open the Run/Debug Configuration dialog:

    • Select Run | Edit Configurations from the main menu.

    • With the Navigation Bar visible (View | Navigation Bar), select Edit Configurations from the Add Configuration selector.

    • Press Shift+Alt+F10, then press 0 or select the configuration from the popup and press F4.

  2. Select Templates from the list in the left-hand pane.

  3. In the right-hand pane, expand the Configurations available in Run Dashboard section.

  4. Click the Add icon (the Add icon) in the Configurations available in Run Dashboard section and select the desired run configuration type. You can add or remove multiple configuration types one by one.

    Note that the dashboard will only display the configuration types for which you have created one ore more configurations.

    Thus, if you add a configuration type for which no configurations exist in the project, this type will not be displayed on the dashboard until you create a configuration of this type.

  5. Apply the changes and close the dialog. The Run Dashboard tool window with the selected configurations will open.

To show or hide the Run Dashboard, select View | Tool Windows | Run Dashboard from the main menu.

Last modified: 5 July 2019

See Also