
Debug Tool Window. Watches 

In the Watches pane you can evaluate any number of variables or expressions in the context of the current stack frame. The values are updated with each step through the application, and become visible every time the application is suspended.

While the Evaluate Expression command from the context menu of the Variables pane enables you to see one expression at a time, the Watches pane shows multiple expressions that persist from one debug session to another, until you remove them.

You can create watches in this pane, in the Variables pane and even in the editor.

Watch expressions are always evaluated in the context of a stack frame that is currently inspected in the Frames pane. If an expression cannot be evaluated, it is displayed with a question mark.

To hide or open the Watches pane 

By default, the Watches pane is hidden and the watches are shown in the Variables pane.

  • To have the Watches pane displayed separately and view the configured watches in it, release the Show watches in Variables tab toggle button on the toolbar of the Variables pane. By default, the button is pressed.

  • To hide the Watches pane and view the watches in the Variables pane, press the Show watches in Variables tab toggle button on the toolbar of the Watches pane.





icons general add svg Insert

Click this button to create a new watch.

icons general remove svgDelete

Click this button to remove the selected watch from the list.

icons actions previousOccurence svgicons actions nextOccurence svgAlt+UpAlt+Down

Use these buttons to change the order of watches.

icons actions copy svgCtrl+D

Use this button to create a copy of the selected watch.

Show watches in Variables tab

Show watches in Variables tab

Use this toggle button to have the Watches pane hidden or shown. By default, the button is pressed and displayed on the toolbar of the Variables pane. Consequently, the Watches pane is hidden and the watches are shown in the Variables pane.
  • To have the Watches pane displayed separately and view the configured watches in it, release the Show watches in Variables tab toggle button. The Watches pane appears with the Show watches in Variables tab toggle button on the toolbar.

  • To hide the Watches pane and view the watches in the Variables pane, press the Show watches in Variables tab toggle button on the toolbar of the Watches pane. The toggle button returns to the default location on the toolbar of the Variables pane.




New Watch


Choose this command to create a new watch. A text field opens, where you can enter new watch expression.

Remove Watch


Choose this command to delete the currently selected watch expression from the list.



Choose this command to change the selected watch expression.

Remove All Watches

Choose this command to delete all watch expressions from the list.


Available for fields, local variables and reference expressions. Choose this command to open the Inspect window for the node, which allows you to perform the same operations as those available in the stack frame, with the only difference that the root node is the one you have selected. You can recursively call the new Inspect windows from within each other. Each window is not modal and immediately reflects all changes in its subtree.

Jump to Source


This command opens the source code of the selected variable or field in the editor and places the caret on a proper line.

Copy Value


Copies the selected node value to the clipboard.

Copy Name

Copies the selected node name to the clipboard.

Last modified: 5 July 2019