
Mapping Priorities 

Mapping Priorities 

Mapping priorities are a set of mapping priority rules specifying an order of priority between sets of generator rules (mapping configurations).

Mapping priorities are specified in generator module property dialog.
See also: Generator

Each mapping priority rule consists of left part, right part and priority symbol in the middle.
For instance:

*     <     [sample.language/generator: *]

Left part of priority rule can only refer to mapping configurations in this generator.


Refers to


All mappings in this generator

modelName . *

All mappings in model

modelName . mappingName

Mapping configuration

{ ... }

Set of mappings.
An entry can be either
modelName . * or
modelName . mappingName

Right part of priority rule can refer to mapping configurations in this generator as well as other generators visible in scope (see Generator).


Refers to


All mappings in this generator

modelName . *

All mappings in model

modelName . mappingName

Mapping configuration

{ ... }

Set of mappings.
An entry can be either
modelName . * or
modelName . mappingName

[ languageName / generatorName : * ]

All mapping in external generator

[ languageName / generatorName : modelName ]

All mapping in external generator model

[ languageName / generatorName : modelName . mappingName ]

External mapping configuration

[ languageName / generatorName : { ... }]

All mapping in external generator


All possible mappings

Priority symbol




Mappings in left part are processed before mappings in right part


Mappings in left part are processed not later than mappings in right part


Mappings in left part and right part are processed together

Last modified: 5 July 2019