
Mark Resolved Dialog (Subversion) 

VCS | Subversion | Mark Resolved
Project tool window | context menu of a file | Subversion | Mark Resolved
Local Changes tab of the Version Control tool window | context menu of a file | Subversion | Mark Resolved
Project tool window | context menu of a file | Subversion | Mark Resolved
Version Control tool window - Merged with conflicts list | context menu of a file | Subversion | Mark Resolved

Use this dialog box to have MPS consider conflicts in a file or directory resolved. This operation is most often required after merging text or property conflicts manually.



Files and directories

The list shows all the files and directories where merge or updated resulted in conflicts that MPS cannot resolve automatically. When you have examined the conflicts resolved them manually or considered irrelevant, you need to tell MPS that these files are no longer conflicting. To appoint a file for marking as free from conflicts, select the checkbox next to it.

Select All

Click this button to have all the items in the list appointed for marking as resolved.

Deselect All

Click this button to clear the list of candidates for marking as resolved.

Mark Resolved

Click this button to have MPS treat all the selected items as conflict free. The dialog box closes, whereupon the Local Changes tab of the Version Control tool window shows the affected files as updated and available for submitting to the server.

Last modified: 5 July 2019

See Also