Primitive Containers #
Primitive Containers #
Collections framework include a set of custom containers designed to work with primitive data types. Using primitive types helps optimize speed and/or size of the containers. These containers are available with a separate language jetbrains.mps.baseLanguage.collections.trove.
Primitive list containers
list<?,?> byteArrayList | list<byte> |
doubleArrayList | list<double> |
floatArrayList | list<float> |
intArrayList | list<int> |
longArrayList | list<long> |
shortArrayList | list<short> |
Primitive set containers
set<?,?> byteHashSet | set<byte> |
doubleHashSet | set<double> |
floatHashSet | set<float> |
intHashSet | set<int> |
longHashSet | set<long> |
shortHashSet | set<short> |
Primitive maps
map<byte,?> byteByteHashMap | map<byte, byte> |
byteDoubleHashMap | map<byte, double> |
byteFloatHashMap | map<byte, float> |
byteIntHashMap | map<byte, int> |
byteLongHashMap | map<byte, long> |
byteShortHashMap | map<byte, short> |
doubleByteHashMap | map<double, byte> |
doubleDoubleHashMap | map<double, double> |
doubleFloatHashMap | map<double, float> |
doubleIntHashMap | map<double, int> |
doubleLongHashMap | map<double, long> |
doubleShortHashMap | map<double, short> |
floatByteHashMap | map<float, byte> |
floatDoubleHashMap | map<float, double> |
floatFloatHashMap | map<float, float> |
floatIntHashMap | map<float, int> |
floatLongHashMap | map<float, long> |
floatShortHashMap | map<float, short> |
intByteHashMap | map<int, byte> |
intDoubleHashMap | map<int, double> |
intFloatHashMap | map<int, float> |
intIntHashMap | map<int, int> |
intLongHashMap | map<int, long> |
intShortHashMap | map<int, short> |
longByteHashMap | map<long, byte> |
longDoubleHashMap | map<long, double> |
longFloatHashMap | map<long, float> |
longIntHashMap | map<long, int> |
longLongHashMap | map<long, long> |
longShortHashMap | map<long, short> |
shortByteHashMap | map<short, byte> |
shortDoubleHashMap | map<short, double> |
shortFloatHashMap | map<short, float> |
shortIntHashMap | map<short, int> |
shortLongHashMap | map<short, long> |
shortShortHashMap | map<short, short> |
ObjectByteHashMap<K> | map<K, byte> |
ObjectDoubleHashMap<K> | map<K, double> |
ObjectFloatHashMap<K> | map<K, float> |
ObjectIntHashMap<K> | map<K, int> |
ObjectLongHashMap<K> | map<K, long> |
ObjectShortHashMap<K> | map<K, short> |