Saving and Reverting Changes #
When working with MPS, you don't need to worry about saving changed files: all changes are auto saved.
Unwanted changes can be undone at any stage of your development workflow. Any file or directory can be reverted to any of the previous states.
When does MPS auto save changed files? #
Autosave is initiated by:
Starting a run/debug configuration
Performing a version control operation such as pull, commit, push, etc.
Closing a file in the editor
Closing a project
Quitting the IDE
In fact, there is a lot more autosave triggers, and only the most important ones are mentioned above.
Tuning the autosave behavior #
The following options are available for tuning the autosave behavior (
/ ( ):Save files on frame deactivation (i.e. on switching from MPS to a different application).
Save files automatically if application is idle for N seconds.
Note that those are optional autosave triggers, and you cannot turn off autosave completely.
Using the Save All command #
If necessary, you can initiate saving all changed files yourself. There is the Save All command for that:
- Ctrl+S
Marking files with unsaved changes in the editor #
Changed but yet unsaved files can be marked. For this purpose, there is the Mark modified tabs with asterisk option ( / ).
When this option is on, the files with unsaved changes have an asterisk on their editor tabs.

Saving a file under a different name #
There is no F5.
command in MPS. To save a file under a different name or in a different directory, use orReverting changes #
You can undo changes by using Ctrl+Z. To revert files to their previous states, use Local History and the corresponding version control functionality.