

File | Settings | Tools | Terminal for Windows and Linux
MPS | Preferences | Tools | Terminal for macOS
Ctrl+Alt+S the Settings/Preferences icon

While the default shell in MPS's terminal (Alt+F12) works fine, many developers prefer to use their favorite shell. For example, Windows users may want to use PowerShell or Cmder, Linux and macOS users may want to use zsh instead of the default terminal shell. On this settings page, you can customize which shell will be used in the terminal.



Start directory

Specify the working directory where the terminal will be launched.

Shell path

Specify the shell that will run by default. Here are some values for different shells:

  • PowerShell: powershell

  • Cmder: "cmd" /k ""\vendor\init.bat"" (note the CMDER_ROOT environment variable has to be set)

  • Cygwin: "C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe" --login -i

  • Zsh: /bin/zsh

  • Bash: /bin/bash (or bash for Windows: bash.exe)

Tab name

Specify the default name of a new session tab. Note that a session tab can be renamed.

Audible bell

If this option is selected, the console plays the bell sound on incoming escape sequence.

Close session when it ends

If this option is selected, the current session ends automatically when the corresponding process ends (for example, by kill).

Mouse reporting

If this option is selected, the embedded local terminal supports the mouse pointer.

Copy to clipboard on selection

If this option is selected, the text selected in the Terminal is automatically copied to clipboard.

Paste on middle mouse button click

If this option is selected, you can paste clipboard contents by clicking the middle mouse button.

Override IDE shortcuts

If this option is selected, the Terminal tool window handles keyboard shortcuts differently from MPS.
If this checkbox is cleared, the MPS key bindings are used.

Shell integration

If this option is selected, the terminal first loads a custom rc config file (located in the terminal folder under plugins of MPS distribution) which provides an additional set-up, and then the user's rc file.

Last modified: 5 July 2019