
Speed Search in Tool Windows 

Speed search in the tool windows helps you find and navigate to a file or folder in the Project tool window, a member in the Structure tool window, a changelist in the Version Control tool window, an item in the TODO list, and more.

Note that speed search is performed only on expanded nodes, if a node is folded the matching items under it are not detected.

To search through a tool window, follow these steps:

  1. Select the desired tool window.

  2. Start typing the item name (for instance, file, class, field, and so on). As you type, the Search for field appears over the tool window toolbar showing the entered characters, and the element selection moves to the first item that matches the specified string. The matching part of the string is highlighted.

  3. If several neighboring items match the pattern, use the Up and Down keys on the keyboard to navigate among them.

  4. Press Enter when ready. As a result, the matching item is selected in the tool window. Pressing Escape hides the Search for field.

Last modified: 5 July 2019

See Also