
Structure Tool Window, File Structure Popup 

Structure tool window

This tool window displays the structure of a file currently opened in the editor and having the focus, or selected in the Project tool window.

For diagrams, this tool window shows the diagram preview.

View | Tool Windows | Structure
File Structure popup

This popup displays the structure of a file, currently opened in the editor and having the focus.

Navigate | File Structure

Both views help quickly navigate through the files' structure.

This section describes the buttons on the title bar of the tool window and the options on the context menu of the title bar. Turn these options on and off to have elements of certain types hidden or shown and configure the way they are presented.

The buttons on the title bar are common for all language contexts. The set of options on the context menu depends on the context.

Title Bar 

The buttons on the title bar are common for all language contexts.




Expand All

Expand All

Click this button to have all the nodes in the tool window expanded.

Collapse All

Collapse All

Click this button to have all the nodes in the tool window collapsed.

Show Options Menu

Click this button to open the context menu and configure the appearance of the tool window, its viewing mode, and the way it presents the structure of the current file by turning the menu items on or off.

Hide tool windowShift+Escape

Use this icon or shortcut to hide the tool window.

When used in combination with the Alt key, clicking this icon hides all the tool windows attached to the same tool window bar.





the Sort Alphabetically button

Sort Alphabetically

Click this button to have the elements within a class sorted alphabetically.

HTML5 icon

HTML5 Outline

Click this button on to view HTML 5 outline of a HTML file:


Collapse All

Collapse All

Click this button to have all the nodes in the tool window collapsed.

Expand All

Expand All

Click this button to have all the nodes in the tool window expanded.

Autoscroll to Source

Autoscroll to Source

Click this button to enable automatic navigation to the line of source code that corresponds to the selected node when the focus switches to the editor.

Autoscroll from Source

Autoscroll from Source

Click this button to have MPS automatically move the focus in the Structure tool window to the node that corresponds to the code where the cursor is currently positioned in the editor.

JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript 




the Sort Alphabetically button

Sort Alphabetically

Click this button to have the elements within a class sorted alphabetically.


Group Methods by Defining Type

Click this button to have all the methods that override/implement the methods of a particular class/interface grouped under the node that corresponds to this class/interface.

icons nodes field svg

Show Fields

Click this button to have all fields (properties) shown in the tree.

Show Inherited

Show Inherited

Click this button to display all the methods and fields inherited by the current class and accessible from it. The inherited members are displayed gray to tell them from the members defined in the current class.

Collapse All

Collapse All

Click this button to have all the nodes in the tool window collapsed.

Expand All

Expand All

Click this button to have all the nodes in the tool window expanded.

Autoscroll to Source

Autoscroll to Source

Click this button to enable automatic navigation to the line of source code that corresponds to the selected node when the focus switches to the editor.

Autoscroll from Source

Autoscroll from Source

Click this button to have MPS automatically move the focus in the Structure tool window to the node that corresponds to the code where the cursor is currently positioned in the editor.

Last modified: 5 July 2019