
Test Runner Tab 

The Test Runner tab opens in the Run tool window when a testing session begins, and features the same toolbar buttons.

  1. The run toolbar is almost the same as that for the Run tool window, but features testing-specific buttons.

  2. The left-hand pane shows the tree view of all tests within the current run/debug configuration.

    • The root node represents the test selected to run.

    • The nested nodes represent the hierarchy of test suites and test cases.

    • The leaf nodes represent the individual tests.

    The status of each test is indicated by an icon. Double-click a node to open the respective test class or test method in the editor.

  3. The testing toolbar provides controls that enable you to monitor the tests and analyze results. Some of the commands are duplicated on the context menus of the test tree nodes.

  4. The output pane shows the output of the current test suit.

  5. The inline statistics show the list of executed tests with the execution time of each test.

  6. The color of the status bar indicates whether the tests have passed successfully. If at least one of the tests fails, the status bar turns red.

Run toolbar 


Tooltip and Shortcut



Rerun Ctrl+F5

Rerun the current process.

The process reruns always in the same console regardless of whether this console is pinned or not.


Stop Ctrl+F2

Terminate the current process externally by means of the standard mechanisms.

Restore layout

Restore Layout

Click this button to have the changes to the current layout abandoned and return to the default state.

Pin button


When this button is pressed, the current tab will not be overwritten; instead, the results of the next command will be displayed in a new tab.

Testing toolbar 


Tooltip and Shortcut


Show passed

Show Passed

Show tests that passed successfully.

Show ignored

Show Ignored

Show the ignored tests in the tree view of all tests within the current run/debug configuration or test class.


Sort Alphabetically

Sort tests in alphabetical order.

Sort by duration

Sort By Duration

Sort tests by duration.

Expand all Collapse all

Expand All/Collapse All

Ctrl+NumPad Plus Ctrl+NumPad -

Expand/collapse all nodes in the test tree view.

These buttons are only available if the tested application contains more than test case.

Previous failed test Next failed test

Previous/Next Failed Test

Navigate between the failed tests.

Import test results

Import Test Results

Click this button to view the test results that you previously saved in an XML file or the results that MPS has kept in its internal history. The popup that opens shows a list of internally saved results of test sessions, each item is supplied with the name of the run configuration and a time stamp.

  • To view the results of a testing session from the MPS history, select the item with the suitable run configuration and time stamp.

  • To load the previously exported results, choose Import from file and then choose the required XML file in the dialog that opens.

The loaded test results are shown in the tab and the name of the corresponding run configuration is displayed on the title bar. To re-run the tests from the loaded session, click Rerun.


Click this cog button to access the context menu with the following options:

  • Track Running Test: turn this option on to monitor execution of the current test. If a test suite contains multiple tests, the tree view of tests expands to show sequential test methods, as they are executed.

  • Show Inline Statistics: turn this option on to have the statistics shown next to a test result, displaying the time used for executing each test.

  • Scroll to Stack Trace: turn this option on to have the console scroll to the beginning of the trace of the last failed test.
    If you click the root node (the test package) in the tree view with this option turned off, the console will show the very beginning of the test.

    This option is helpful when a test package contains multiple test classes and test methods. If some of the tests fail, you can scroll in the console to the beginning of a stack trace of an exception or assertion.

  • Open Source at Exception: use this option to explore the results of a test that fails as an error, throwing an uncaught exception.
    If you double-click the failed test class or method in the tree view with this option turned on, the respective test class or method will open in the editor, with the caret placed at the line that caused the problem.

  • AutoScroll to Source: turn this option on to have the currently selected test in the tree view synchronized with the editor automatically.

  • Set Auto Test Delay: point to this node to reveal the list of available delays between file saving and rerunning tests. The selected value gets the check mark.

  • Select First Failed Test When Finished: turn this option on to have the first failed test automatically selected in the tree view upon completing the tests.

Test status icons 



Test error

Test error. This status is assigned to tests that caused an exception from the tested source code.

Test failed

Test failed. If at least one test receives this status, then all its parents are marked as failed.

Test ignored

Test ignored.

Test in progress

Test in progress.

Test passed

Test passed successfully.


Test terminated. This status is assigned to tests that were cancelled by clicking the Stop button Stop button. If at least one test receives this status, then all unfinished tests and their parents are marked as terminated.

Output pane toolbar 

This pane shows output of each test, generated at runtime, including all the messages sent to the output stream, and the error messages. The following table shows the toolbar buttons and context menu commands available for the Output pane.


Tooltip and Shortcut



Up the stack trace


Navigate up in the stack trace and have the cursor jump to the corresponding location in the source code.


Down the stack trace

Navigate down in the stack trace and have the cursor jump to the corresponding location in the source code.

Use soft wraps

Use Soft Wraps

Toggle the soft wrap mode of the output.

Scroll to the end

Scroll to the end

Navigate to the bottom of the stack trace and have the cursor jump to the corresponding location in the source code.



Configure printing out the console output in the Print dialog that opens.

Clear all

Clear All

Delete all messages for the selected test.

Context menu commands 


Keyboard shortcut


Last modified: 5 July 2019