
Welcome Screen 

MPS displays the Welcome screen when no project is opened. From this screen, you can quickly access the main sections of MPS. The Welcome screen appears when you close the only opened instance of the project, or you run MPS for the first time.

Quick start 

Use the links of this section to create a new project, open or or check out a project from version control.

Also, use the drop-down arrows (The drop-down arrow) Configure to configure your working environment, and Get Help to open help topics, tips of the day, and default keymap document.

Recent projects 

If you have several projects in MPS, you can see a list of these projects in the left pane of the Welcome screen.

Reopen a project 

  • Click the project name in the list.

Find a project of interest 

  • Start typing the project name.

Delete a recent project from the list 

Select the project that you want to remove. Press Delete and confirm deletion in the Remove Recent Project dialog. Alternatively, click the Delete icon (close).

Last modified: 5 July 2019