When your project comprises thousands of files, browsing them can be tedious. Normally, there's a number of files or folders that you need more often than the rest of the project. To quickly access such files, add them to the Favorites list.
The list can include modules, models, nodes and files (from File System View), bookmarks, and breakpoints. Favorites are saved to the .idea/workspace.xml file under the FavoritesManager component node.
There's always one pre-defined empty list that has the same name as the project. You can create more lists and move items between them, if necessary.
Whenever you need to access your favorite items, choose View | Tool Windows | Favorites from the menu.
Add one or multiple nodes
Open the containing root node in the editor, select the desired node and press Shift+Alt+F.
Select the existing list to which you want to add the node, or click Add to New Favorites List to add it to the new list.
You can quickly add all root nodes opened in the editor to the list of favorite items. Right-click any tab and select Add All to Favorites.
Add modules, models or root nodes
Select an element in the Project tool window and press Shift+Alt+F or right-click it and select Add to Favorites.
Select the existing list to which you want to add the element, or click Add to New Favorites List to add it to the new list.
Move an item to another list
From the main menu, select View | Tool Windows | Favorites to open the Favorites tool window.
Select the necessary items and drag them to another list.
Remove items
From the main menu, select View | Tool Windows | Favorites to open the Favorites tool window.
Select the items that you want to remove from favorites.
on the toolbar or press Delete.