MPS 2021.3 Help

Compare file versions

MPS allows you to examine the differences between two revisions of a file, or between its current local copy and the repository version. The differences are displayed in the Differences viewer.

Compare a modified file with its repository version

  1. Open the Commit tool window Alt+0

  2. Select a file and click diff icon on the toolbar, or press Ctrl+D.

Compare the current revision of a file with a selected revision in the same branch

  1. Select a file in the Project tool window, and choose <your_VCS> | Compare With from the context menu.

  2. Choose a revision you want to compare the current file version with from the dialog that opens.

Compare the current revision of a file with another branch

  1. Select a file in the Project tool window, and choose <your_VCS> | Compare With Branch from the context menu.

  2. Choose the branch you want to compare the current file version with from the dialog that opens.

Compare two nodes

  • Select two nodes in the Project View tool window. VCS comparison dialog opens that visualizes the mutual differences and allows easy modifications.

    MPS Compare 2 nodes

Last modified: 19 March 2022