MPS 2021.3 Help


Use this page to enable and disable notifications about certain events, change their presentation, and optionally enable their logging.



Display balloon notifications

Select this checkbox to enable event notifications for MPS. (The notifications, generally, are shown in the balloons that appear on the screen when the corresponding events take place.)

Regardless of the state of this option, you will always find all notifications from the current session in the Event log

Enable system notifications

Select this checkbox to allow showing system notification.

On Windows, you may want to disable this option to hide MPS icon from the system tray.


This column lists groups of events that you may be notified of and/or that may be logged.


If the Display balloon notification checkbox is selected, the settings in this column specify how the notifications for the corresponding group of events are shown.

The available display options are:

  • Balloon: The balloons with the notification messages appear on the screen for a short period of time and then disappear automatically. The notifications are also shown in the Status bar, and added to the list of notifications.

  • Sticky balloon: The notification balloons stay on the screen unless you close them.

  • Tool window balloon: The notification balloons are shown only if an appropriate tool window is open.

  • No popup: The notifications for the corresponding group of events are not shown.


If the checkbox for a group of events is selected, the corresponding events are logged and can be seen in the Event Log tool window.

Read aloud

Read the selected notifications out loud. The Read aloud column is available only on macOS. You can configure voice settings in macOS preferences. To learn more about accessibility features on macOS, see the official Apple documentation.

Last modified: 22 November 2021