MPS 2022.2 Help

Clone repository

MPS allows you to clone (or check out, depending on version control system you use) an existing repository and create a new project based on the data you have downloaded.

You can clone a remote Git repository from the Welcome screen that opens right after launching MPS or from the main menu.

Clone a repository from the Welcome Screen

You can clone a remote Git repository from the Welcome screen that opens right after launching MPS.

Clone a remote repository:

  1. Click Get from VCS in the upper right corner.

  2. In the Get from Version Control dialog that opens, select Git from the list.

  3. Specify the URL of the remote repository that you want to clone.

  4. In the Directory field, enter the path to the folder where your local repository will be created.

  5. Click Clone.

The cloning process starts. In the list of projects, you can see the repository that you are currently cloning with the progress bar of the cloning process. Note that you can clone several repositories at the same time.

When the cloning process finishes, MPS opens the project.

Stop the cloning process

  1. Click Close on the right side of the cloning progress bar.

  2. In the Stop Cloning dialog that opens, choose Stop to stop the cloning process. If you changed you mind, choose Cancel to continue the cloning process.

Clone failed

If there is an error during the cloning process, a notification in the bottom-right corner will warn you about it.

Clone a repository from the main menu

  1. From the main menu, choose Git | Clone.

  2. In the Get from Version Control dialog that opens, select Git from the list.

  3. Specify the URL of the remote repository that you want to clone.

  4. In the Directory field, enter the path to the folder where your local repository will be created.

  5. Click Clone.

More details about setting up local repositories:

Last modified: 16 August 2022