Cookbook - Type System

Last modified: 07 March 2024

The Substitute Type Rule is applicable to nodes that represent types. Whenever a new type is introduced by the typechecker, it searches for applicable substitution rules and executes them. The rule must either return an instance of `node<>` as the substitution, or null value, in which case the original node is used to represent the type (the default behaviour).

One other possibility to overrides types used by the typechecker comes with the use of node attributes. If there is a node attribute contained by the original type node, the typechecker tries to find a Substitute Type Rule applicable to the attribute first. This way one can override the type nodes even for languages, which implementation is sealed.

The rule above is defined for the attribute node, and it's the attribute node that is passed to the rule as the explicit parameter. The rule can check whether the condition for substituting the type node is satisfied, and it can also access the attributed node representing original type via attributedNode expression.