
Last modified: 07 March 2024

A quotation is a language construct that lets you easily create a node with a required structure. Of course, you can create a node using the smodelLanguage and then populate it with appropriate children, properties and references by hand, using the same smodelLanguage. However, there's a simpler - and more visual - way to accomplish this.

The two following constructs will build identical nodes, the first one uses quotation, the second plan model API:

Quotations as well as light quotations are defined int the jetbrains.mps.lang.quotation language. You need this language to be set as a used language in order to be able to use it in your models.

A quotation is an expression, whose value is the MPS node written inside the quotation. Think about a quotation as a "node literal", a construction similar to numeric constants and string literals. That is, you write a literal if you statically know what value do you mean. So inside a quotation you don't write an expression, which evaluates to a node, you rather write the node itself. For instance, an expression 2 + 3 evaluates to 5, an expression < 2 + 3 > (angled braces being quotation braces) evaluates to a node PlusExpression with leftOperand being an IntegerConstant 2 and rightOperand being an IntegerConstant 3.

The following two constructs again create the same AST, now the quotation approach yields clear benefits in code brevity:

Note that using quotation like <Car()> does not call the behavior constructor, while using the smodel constructor like new node<Car>() will do call it.