AppCode 2021.1 Help

Implement/Override Dialog

Code | Generate


Use this dialog box to select methods (members) to be implemented/overrode in class. This dialog has slightly different implementation in context of language being used.

Common options

ItemTooltip and shortcutDescription
Ac iconsortedSort members alphabeticallyClick this button to have all members sorted alphabetically. Otherwise, members are sorted in the order they are declared.
Ac icon expandallExpand all
Click this button to have all nodes expanded.
Icons actions collapseallCollapse all
Click this button to have all nodes collapsed.
Members areaSelect members to add to generated code construct.
Show optional membersSelect this check-box to enable display of optional methods (members).

Objective-C specific options

ItemTooltip and shortcutDescription
Show synthesized accessorsSelect this check-box to enable display of synthesized accessors.

Swift specific options

ItemTooltip and shortcutDescription
Ac iconshow to implementShow to implementPress this button to list available methods to implement together with the methods to override. When not pressed - only methods to override are listed.
Last modified: 08 March 2021