AppCode 2021.1 Help

Save File as Template dialog

AppCode helps you create file templates from existing files.

NameSpecify here the name under which the new template will appear in the Files tab of the File and Code Templates settings. By default, the name of the current file is used.
ExtensionSpecify here the extension of the file to be created by this new template. By default, the extension of the current file is used.
Template text

Edit the template contents. You can use:

  • Plain text.

  • #parse directives to work with template includes.

  • Custom variables. Variables' names can be defined either directly in the template through the #set directive or during the file creation.

    Note that AppCode doesn't prompt for the values of Velocity variables defined with #set.

  • Variables to be expanded into corresponding values in the ${<variable_name>} format.

    The following predefined variables can be used in file templates:

    ${DATE}Current system date
    ${DAY}Current day of the month
    ${DIR_PATH} Path to the directory of the new file (relative to the project root)
    ${DS}Dollar sign $. This variable is used to escape the dollar character, so that it is not treated as a prefix of a template variable.
    ${FILE_NAME}Name of the new Objective-C or C++ file
    ${HOUR}Current hour
    ${MINUTE}Current minute
    ${SECOND}Current second
    ${MONTH}Current month
    ${MONTH_NAME_FULL}Full name of the current month (January, February, and so on)
    ${MONTH_NAME_SHORT}First three letters of the current month name (Jan, Feb, and so on)
    ${NAME}Name of the new entity (file, %class%, interface, and so on)
    ${ORGANIZATION_NAME}Name of your organization specified in the project settings (⌃⌥⇧S)
    ${PRODUCT_NAME}Name of the IDE (for example, AppCode)
    ${PROJECT_NAME}Name of the current project
    ${TIME}Current system time
    ${USER}Login name of the current user
    ${YEAR}Current year

    Treating dollar sign

    • You can prevent treating dollar characters $ in template variables as prefixes. If you need a dollar character ($ inserted as is, use the ${DS} file template variable instead. When the template is applied, this variable evaluates to a plain dollar character $.


      • To use some version control keywords (such as $Revision$, $Date$, and so on) in your default class template, write ${DS} instead of the dollar prefix $.

      • The template code ${DS}this will be rendered as $this.

Reformat according to style

Select this checkbox, to have AppCode reformat generated stub files according to the style defined on the Code Style page.

This option is only available in the Files tab.

Enable Live Templates

Select this checkbox to use a live template inside a file template. In doing so, one has to put the live template fragments into Velocity escape syntax.

For example:

#[[ $MY_VARIABLE$ $END$ ]]#

Thus, one can specify the cursor position. Note that it is required to use the live template variables here!


This read-only field provides information about the template, its predefined variables, and the way they work.

Last modified: 08 March 2021