File Status Highlights
In AppCode, each file is marked with a color according to its state in the version control you are using.
In the editor, each line in a file is checked for its version control state and is marked with a color in the gutter.
File status
If you want to change the default file status colors, go to Settings/Preferences | Version Control | File Status Colors.
To highlight folders and packages with modified contents, go to Settings/Preferences | Version Control and enable the Show directories with changed descendants option.
Color | File Status | Description |
| Added | The file in the active changelist is scheduled for addition to the repository. |
| Added in not active changelist | The file in an inactive changelist is scheduled for addition to the repository. This file status is available if the Highlight files from non-active changelists option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control | Changelists. |
| Changelist conflict | The file in an inactive changelist has been modified in the active changelist. In this case, a new dialog will open prompting you to resolve the changelist conflict. This file status is available if all options are enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control | Changelists. |
| Copied | If a file is a copy of another file, its metadata is tracked, and such a file is marked as copied. |
| Deleted | The file is scheduled for deletion from the repository. |
| Deleted from file system | The file has been deleted locally, but hasn't been scheduled for deletion, and it still exists in the repository. |
| Have changed descendants | If a file is modified, the IDE will recursively highlight all directories containing that file. This status is available if the Show directories with changed descendants option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control. |
| Have immediate changed children | If a file is modified, the IDE will highlight its parent directory. This status is available if the Show directories with changed descendants option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control. |
| Hijacked | [Perforce, ClearCase, VSS] The file is modified without checkout. |
| Ignored | A file is intentionally untracked by VCS. |
| Merged | The file is merged by your VCS as a result of an update. |
| Merged with conflicts | During the last update, the file has been merged with conflicts. |
| Merged with property conflicts | During the last update, the IDE has detected differences between the properties of the local file and its server version. |
| Merged with text and property conflicts | Text and property conflicts happen when two or more developers modify the same lines of a file and the same file properties. |
| Modified | The file has changed since the last synchronization. |
| Modified in not active changelist | The file in an inactive changelist has been modified. This file status is available if the Highlight files from non-active changelists option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control | Changelists. |
| Obsolete | The file should no longer be in your working copy of the repository. |
| Renamed | Since the last update, the file has been renamed. |
| Switched | [SVN] The file is taken from a different branch than the whole project. |
| (Unknown) Unversioned | The file exists locally, but is not in the repository, and is not scheduled for addition. |
| Up to date | The file hasn't been changed. |
Line status in the editor
If you want to change the default line status colors, go to Settings/Preferences | Editor | Color Scheme | VCS | Editor Gutter.
To disable the colors, go to Settings/Preferences | Editor | General | Highlight modified lines in gutter and clear the necessary checkboxes.
Color | Line Status | Description |
| Modified lines | Lines that have been modified since the last update. |
| Whitespace-modified lines | Lines in which only whitespaces have been modified since the last update. |
| Added lines | Lines that have been added since the last update. |
| Deleted lines | Lines that have been removed since the last update. |