AppCode 2021.2 Help

Markdown Settings

For more information on Markdown support in AppCode, refer to the Markdown section.



Default layout

From the list, select how the editor will be shown by default: both editor and preview panes, editor only, or preview only pane.

Auto-scroll preview

Select this checkbox to automatically scroll from the cursor position in the source code to the respective position in the preview.

If this checkbox is selected, the Always Select Opened Element button becomes pressed in the toolbar.


Select this checkbox to use grayscale for rendering.

PlantUML framework isn't installed

This warning appears if the PlantUML framework is not installed. If you need to display the PlantUML diagrams in the Markdown preview, click Install.

Disable automatic language injection in code fences

Select this checkbox to disable code injection in fenced code blocks.

Hide errors in code fences

Select this checkbox to disable error highlighting in fenced code blocks.

Custom CSS

Load from URI

Specify here the path to the desired .css file. Click the Browse button to find the file in the file system.

Add CSS rules

Type a particular CSS to be used for rendering the preview. For example, you can specify here the background color and font weight.

Last modified: 14 September 2021