Run AppCode for the first time
You can use the Toolbox App to run any JetBrains product. In case of a standalone installation, run AppCode from the Applications directory, Launchpad, or Spotlight.
When you run AppCode for the first time, some steps are required to complete the installation, customize your instance, and start working with the IDE.
Select the user interface theme
Select IntelliJ Light or Darcula option if you want to use the light or dark interface theme and the AppCode default keymap. In case you want to set the interface theme and keymap similar to the Xcode default preferences, select Xcode.

For more information, see User interface themes.
Disable unnecessary plugins
AppCode includes plugins that provide integration with different version control systems and application servers, add support for various frameworks and development technologies, and so on. To increase performance, you can disable plugins that you do not need. If necessary, you can enable them later in the Preferences dialog ⌃ ⌥ S under Plugins. For more information, see Manage plugins.

You can click the Disable All link for each group of plugins to disable them all, or Customize to disable individual plugins in the group.
Download and install additional plugins
If necessary, click Plugins in the left-hand pane and download and install additional plugins from the AppCode plugins repository.

Start a project in AppCode
On the Welcome screen, you can do the following:
It is also possible to drag an existing project directory or a separate file to the Welcome screen and open it in AppCode.

Check the Xcode installation
By default, AppCode automatically detects the path to the existing Xcode installation. If you see that the list of available simulators in the run/debug configuration selector is empty, and the code is not resolved in the editor, most likely, this means that the path to the supported Xcode version is not specified or specified incorrectly. To fix it:
Make sure that the supported version of Xcode is installed on your Mac and has been launched at least once.
Go to Preferences ⌃ ⌥ S, select Tools | Xcode, and in the Selected Xcode field specify the path to the file.