AppCode 2021.2 Help


With the Subversion integration enabled, you can perform Subversion operations from inside AppCode.

AppCode currently supports integration with Subversion 1.7 and later, and it is required to download and install a command-line svn client (SVNKit is not supported, see blog post for details).

Authenticate to Subversion

The Subversion server does not require user authentication on every request. When you use Subversion integration in AppCode, you only need to answer the authentication challenge of the server if it is required by the authentication and authorization policies. Upon successful authentication, your credentials are saved on disk, in <USER HOME>/.subversion_IDEA on macOS.

When an authentication challenge comes from the server, the credentials are sought for in the disk cache; if the appropriate credentials are not found, or fail to authenticate, you are prompted to specify your login and password.

If necessary, you can opt to delete all credentials stored in the cache for the http, svn and ssh+svn protocols.

To delete credentials from disk

  1. Press ⌃ ⌥ S to open the IDE settings and select Version Control | Subversion.

  2. Select the Clear Auth Cache option.

Last modified: 20 May 2021