Last modified: 26 January 2022AppCode | Preferences | Version Control | Commit
⌃ ⌥ S
Use this settings page to configure the commit options.
Use non-modal commit interface | Select this option to be able to commit from the Commit tool window ⌥ 0, without displaying the modal Commit Changes dialog. |
Clear initial commit message | Select this option if you do not want to automatically fill the commit message fields with the previous commit message. |
Force non-empty commit comments | Select this option if you want to restrict committing changes without entering a commit message. |
Show unversioned files | Select this option if you want new files that have not been added to a VCS yet to be listed in the Commit Changes dialog. |
Suggest to move uncommitted changes to another changelist | Select this option if you want AppCode to suggest moving changes to another changelist if you exclude them from a commit. |
Create changelist on failed commit | Select whether you want a new changelist to be created if a commit fails. |
Commit message inspections | Select the inspections that you want to be applied to the commit message. |
Before Commit | |
Reformat code | Perform code formatting according to the Project Code Style settings. |
Optimize imports | Remove redundant import statements. |
Analyze code | Analyze modified files before committing them. Click Configure to select an inspection profile from which the IDE will run inspections. |
Check TODO (<filter name>) | Review the TODO items matching the specified filter. Click Configure to choose an existing TODO filter, or open the TODO settings page and define a new filter to be applied. |
Cleanup | Automatically apply the current inspection profile to the files you are going to commit/shelve. |
Thanks for your feedback!