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Xcode-Compatible Project Settings

Last modified: 08 March 2021

To view and edit Xcode-compatible project preferences, select File | Project Settings from the main menu or press ⌃ ⌥ ⇧ S.

AppCode covers almost all Xcode-compatible project preferences. You can safely use AppCode to configure build settings, build phases, and more.

Xcode-compatible settings

To search the settings, start typing what you want to find (while the focus is inside the Build Settings tab).

Search Xcode-compatible settings

However, for some settings (for example, entitlements, provisioning profiles, and so on), Xcode Project Editor provides more convenient configuration options.

If you want to configure the Xcode-compatible project settings in Xcode, select File | Open Project in Xcode from the main menu and configure the settings there. AppCode will sync the modifications to the settings automatically as soon as you apply them in Xcode.