PhpStorm 2021.1 Help

Create New Project: Choose Remote Path

File | New Project From Existing Files - Web server is installed locally, source files are located elsewhere locally
File | New Project From Existing Files - My web server is on remote host, files are accessible via network share or mounted drive
File | New Project From Existing Files - My web server is on remote host, files are accessible via FTP/SFTP/FTPS

The page opens when you click the Next button on the Create New Project: Specify Remote Server or Create New Project: Add Remote Server page.

The page shows a tree view of folders under the server configuration root ( The server configuration root is the highest folder in the file tree on the local or remote server accessible through the server configuration. For in-place servers, it is the project root.) On this page, appoint the folder that will become the project root, see Creating and Managing Projects for details.

If applicable, configure folders under the project root by selecting the relevant folders and clicking the toolbar buttons. Alternatively, you can do it later on the Directories page of the Settings / Preferences dialog.

icon_php_storm.pngProject RootClick this button to make the selected folder the project root, see Creating and Managing Projects for details.

Please note the following:

  • After you specify the project root, all its subfolders are displayed on the green background.

  • The other toolbar buttons (Excluded from Download   icon_exclude_from_download.png, Resource Root   rootResource.png, and Excluded from Indexing   rootExcluded.gif) also become enabled only after the project root is appointed.

icon_exclude_from_download.pngExcluded from DownloadClick this button to have PhpStorm skip the selected folder under the project during download. These can be sources that you should not update at all, media, caches, temporary files, that you actually do not need in your work.

Exclusion is applied recursively. This means that if the selected folder contains subfolders they are automatically marked as excluded as well.

rootResource.pngResource RootClick this button to enable PhpStorm to complete relative paths to resources under the selected folder.
rootExcluded.gifExcluded from IndexingClick this button to have PhpStorm completely ignore the selected directory during indexing, parsing, code completion, etc.
Last modified: 08 March 2021