PhpStorm 2021.2 Help


To import data from a script file, run the file as it is described in Run database code. In addition to script files, you can import a CSV, TSV, or any other text file that contains delimiter-separated values.

Import data to a database

  1. In the Database tool window (View | Tool Windows | Database), right-click a data source.

  2. Select Run SQL Script.

  3. In the Select Path window, navigate to the SQL file that you want to apply.

    Run an SQL file

Import delimiter-separated values into a database

  1. In the Database tool window (View | Tool Windows | Database), right-click a schema or a table and select Import Data from File.

  2. Navigate to the file that contains delimiter-separated values and double-click it.

  3. In the Import {0} File dialog, specify the data conversion settings and click Import.

    To mark the first row as a header, right-click the row in the Data Preview pane and select First Row Is Header.

    Import delimiter-separated values into a database

Restore a full data dump for MySQL and PostgreSQL

You can restore data dumps by means of the mysql client utility for MySQL, or pg_restore or psql for PostgreSQL. The pg_restore option is used for custom-format pg_dump -Fc or directory-format pg_dump -Fd dumps. The psql option is used for SQL-format dumps.

If you see no restore options in the context menu, verify that you use a correct JDBC URL for the data source.

  1. In the Database tool window (View | Tool Windows | Database), right-click a schema or a database and navigate to:

    • Restore with "mysql": for MySQL data sources. In the Path to mysql field, specify the path to the MySQL executable (for example, C:\Soft\mysql-8.0.19-winx64\bin\mysql.exe).

    • Restore with "pg_restore": for PostgreSQL data sources. The pg_restore option is available for the most of database objects except for the data source level.

    • Restore with "psql": for PostgreSQL data sources. The psql option is available for the most of database objects except for table and schema levels.

    • Restore: for PostgreSQL data sources. Includes two tabs: pg_restore and psql.

  2. In the Restore with <dump_tool> dialog, specify the path to the restore tool executable in the Path to <dump_tool> field.

    (Optional) Edit the command-line options in the lower part of the dialog.

  3. Click Run.

Last modified: 18 November 2021