PhpStorm 2022.1 Help

Maintain projects on GitHub

If you're a project maintainer, and you have a GitHub remote configured for your project, you can view and manage incoming pull requests directly from PhpStorm.

Manage incoming pull requests

To view incoming pull requests from the main menu select Git | GitHub | View Pull Requests.

GitHub Pull Requests tool window

Use the GitHub Pull Requests tool window to:

  • Filter requests by state, author, assignee, and date.

  • Jump to a pull request on GitHub: select a pull request and choose Open on GitHub from the context menu.

  • View diff between the suggested changes and the base revision: select a file in the right pane and press Ctrl+D or click diff icon.

  • Create a local branch based on incoming changes: select a pull request and choose Create New Local Branch from the context menu.

Give feedback to a pull request

You may leave individual line comments or suggest a specific change to the code lines.

Leave a comment

  1. Select a pull request and open a file in it.

  2. Click App modules add content entry dark in the gutter or press Ctrl+Shift+X.

  3. Select Add a single comment to post a comment immediately or Start a review with a comment if you want to add more comments and then send them at once.

  4. Type your comment and click Platform impl icons send to post it.

Before you submit a review, your comments are marked Pending and you can edit them.

Leave a suggestion

  1. Select a pull request and open a file in it.

  2. Click App modules add content entry dark in the gutter or press Ctrl+Shift+X to leave a comment.

  3. In the comment field, add your version of the code wrapped in a Markdown code block but with the suggestion specified as a language:

    ```suggestion Your suggestion for this code line ```

Submit a review

After posting a comment or a suggestion, you need to submit a review.

  1. Click Submit on the toolbar.

  2. Select one of the possible outcomes:

    After clicking submit, three options appear
    • Approve: to approve merging changes.

    • Request changes: to submit feedback, a pull request author must apply before merging.

    • Comment: to submit a comment without approval.

Last modified: 07 April 2022