PhpStorm 2022.1 Help

Module Dependency Diagrams

With PhpStorm, you can get visualization of imports and exports within a context in JavaScript and TypeScript projects.

Building a module dependency diagram

  • Choose Diagrams | Show Diagram from the context menu of a JavaScript, TypeScript, or HTML file or on a context menu of a folder.

    The action is not available for node_modules and for Excluded folders.

  • If the action is invoked on a folder where multiple types of diagrams can be built, additionally choose JavaScript Module Dependency Diagram from the Select Diagram Type list.

Analyzing a module dependency diagram

PhpStorm analyzes the import and require statements and script tags in the selected file or in all the files in the selected folder recursively and in a separate tab displays a diagram that shows how these files depend on each other:

Ws module dependency diagram
  • A diagram consists of a number of rectangles. Each of them shows the name of the analyzed selected file and a list of detected imports. If an import is resolved, an icon that indicates the type of the imported symbol (e.g. Variable or App nodes field) is shown next to it.

  • An arrow from an analyzed file points at the target file from which the detected imports are made. If the target file is a library, its name is displayed on the grey background. If an import from a library is not resolved, the target file is displayed as a grey rectangle with red border.

  • Resolved imports and exports are marked with the Import icon or App toolbar decorator export icons respectively.

Navigating from the diagram to the source code

  • To jump from a diagram to a file, right-click the file and choose Jump to source on the context menu.

  • To navigate to a specific import statement in the source code, right-click the required file in the diagram, choose Jump to on the context menu, and then choose the symbol to jump to from the Select Navigation Target list:

    Ws module dependency diagram jump to
Last modified: 17 March 2022