PhpStorm 2022.1 Help

TODO tool window

PhpStorm constantly scans your project for comments in the source code that match specific TODO patterns and displays them in the TODO tool window.

The TODO tool window (View | Tool Windows | TODO) consists of the following tabs:

  • Project: Shows TODO items for the whole project.

  • Current File: Shows TODO items for the currently open file in the editor.

  • Scope Based: Shows TODO items for a certain scope, selected from the list.

  • Current Changelist: Shows TODO items in the active changelist (available only if version control integration is enabled).

Toolbar Buttons


Tooltip and shortcut


Previous TODO

Previous TODO


Select the previous TODO item in the list.




Select the next TODO item in the list.

Filter TODO Items

Filter TODO Items

Select a filter or open the TODO dialog to edit the list of TODO patterns and filters as necessary.

View Options

View Options

Select how to group TODO items in the list. Not available for the Current File tab.

Preview Source

Preview Source

Show a preview pane with the source code of the selected file and the corresponding TODO item highlighted.

Title bar


Tooltip and shortcut


Expand All

Expand All

Ctrl+NumPad +

Expand all nodes in the list.

Collapse All

Collapse All

Ctrl+NumPad -

Collapse all nodes in the list.

Show Options Menu

Show Options Menu

Open the options menu for the TODO tool window.



Hide the TODO tool window.

Context menu



Jump to Source

Jump to the location of the relevant comment in the source code. Available only when you right-click a TODO item or a file.

Local History

Show the Local History submenu:

  • Show History: Open the Local History window for the relevant file.

  • Put Label: Add a label to the Local History.

Last modified: 17 March 2022