PhpStorm 2022.1 Help


PhpStorm enables you to work with YAML files (.yml, .yaml) and supports the following capabilities:

Let’s explore some YAML-specific features available in the editor.

Anchors and aliases

PhpStorm supports working with anchors and aliases. If you specify a new anchor in the YAML file, the editor will show a warning that this anchor is not used by any node.

YAML: unused anchor warning

The editor enables you now to complete aliases for this anchor.

YAML: complete alias

You can navigate from aliases to the anchor using the Ctrl+B shortcut.

YAML: navigate to anchor

For the anchor, you can do the same and find all corresponding aliases.

YAML: navigate to aliases

PhpStorm also supports the rename refactoring for anchors and aliases.

renaming the YAML anchor

Remote JSON schemas

PhpStorm supports code completion and inspections for YAML files using the specified JSON schema. For instance, if you use the .travis.yml file for Travis CI configuration, PhpStorm will suggest completing its options using the JSON schema loaded from

YAML: complete JSON

You can manage loading JSON schemas using the Languages & Frameworks | Schemas and DTDs | Remote JSON Schemas page of the Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S).

If necessary, you can specify a path to the required schema file in the Languages & Frameworks | Schemas and DTDs | JSON Schema Mappings page.

Copying keys

PhpStorm provides the ability to copy a full path to a specific option specified in the YAML file. You can do this in two ways:

  • Place a caret to the required key and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C.

  • Hover over the required key, right-click it and select Copy Reference.

Last modified: 17 March 2022