Last modified: 01 August 2022Use PhpStorm as an IDE for Joomla! development.
Before you start
Download Joomla!
Download and install Joomla!.
Check the Joomla! plugin
This functionality relies on the Joomla! plugin . The plugin comes bundled with PhpStorm, but if you observe any malfunction, make sure that the plugin is enabled.
Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select Plugins.
Open the Installed tab, find the Joomla! plugin, and make sure that the checkbox next to the plugin name is selected.
Joomla! support
Joomla! support includes:
Ability to create a new project.
is used, PhpStorm navigates with Ctrl+Click on the first argument to the corresponding class or method.For example, consider the following code:
<?php $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $eid, $extension_name);
Ctrl+Click on
leads to navigation to theoption
method of the classselect
.When all the other constructs are used, PhpStorm navigates with Ctrl+Click on the first argument to the corresponding property in the .ini file. For example, in the code
$msg = JText::sprintf('COM_INSTALLER_INSTALL_ERROR', JText::_('COM_INSTALLER_TYPE_TYPE_' . strtoupper($package['type'])));
Ctrl+Click on
leads to navigation to the property'COM_INSTALLER_INSTALL_ERROR'
in the file en-GB.com_installer.ini.Joomla! code style can be selected for the code in the PHP page of the Editor settings, when clicking the link Set from.
PhpStorm detects Joomla when opening a Joomla! module/plugin/extension or a Joomla! root folder, and suggests enabling Joomla! support, and adjusting namespaces.
DocBlocks standards for PHP files, classes, class properties, and so on. When Joomla! support is recognized, PhpStorm suggests installing DocBlocks:
PhpStorm suggests importing the Joomla! code style. See section Configure Joomla! support
PhpStorm detects databases in projects. Click
in the Database tool window tool window and choose Import from sources... The settings specified in the file configuration.php are detected and used for the new data source connection.
PhpStorm provides database prefixes support and changes
to the prefix that is defined in the$dbprefix
field in the configuration.php file.It is worth noting that a database dialect should be selected on the SQL Dialects page of the Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S). Note also that the type of the selected dialect should match your database type.
Thanks for your feedback!