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Last modified: 22 November 2021

SensioLabsInsight is a quality assurance service that analyzes source code to find problems that degrade the overall quality of your projects. It can analyze any application developed with PHP, and has specially designed rules to perform advanced analysis of various projects types such as Symfony applications, Laravel websites, Drupal modules, and more. Each analysis generates a highly detailed report with all the found problems, ranging from performance issues to potential security exploits. In addition, every error is explained within the context of your own code and includes comprehensive documentation on how to fix it.

SensioLabsInsight seamlessly integrates with PhpStorm via the SensioLabsInsight plugin. This plugin shows all inspection results in the editor gutter, provides handy navigation to full SensioLabsInsight report, and a lot more. In this tutorial we’ll look into how to get started with the SensioLabsInsight service, configure the integration, and proceed with improving your project code quality thanks to additional inspections provided by the SensioLabsInsight service.

You can watch a video tutorial to learn more about SensioLabsInsight integration with PhpStorm.