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Create New Project: Choose Project Directory

Last modified: 22 April 2022

File | New Project from Existing Files | Web server is installed locally, source files are located under its document root

File | New Project from Existing Files | Source files are in a local directory, no Web server is yet configured

On this page of the wizard, specify the location of the files, appoint the project root, and configure the structure of the project to be created. The project root is the folder which is the parent for all the project sources. By default, all subfolders in this folder are treated as sources and their files are involved in indexing, searching, parsing, code completion, and so on. Use the icons on the toolbar to change this status.

If your sources are located in several independent parent folders, create a project in one of these folders and configure other sources as additional content roots on the Directories page of the Settings dialog.

For more details about configuring project contents, see Content root and Configuring Folders within a Content Root.