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Docker images

Last modified: 17 March 2023

Docker images are executable packages for running containers. Images are distributed via a Docker registry. By default, PhpStorm uses Docker Hub, which is a public registry with all of the most common images, such as various Linux flavors, database management systems, web servers, and runtime environments. There are other public and private Docker registries, and you can also deploy your own registry server. For more information, see Configure a Docker registry.

To manage Docker images in PhpStorm, open the Services tool window (View | Tool Windows | Services or Alt+8), expand the configured Docker connection node Docker node, and then expand the Images node. For more information, see Images.

Depending on your development needs, you can use Docker for the following:

PhpStorm stores images that you pull or build locally and lists them in the Services tool window under the Images node. When you select an image, you can view its name, ID, date of last changes, size, tags, and any containers using this image, if any. You can also create a new container from the selected image, push the image, or view the layers used by the image. Click the More button to see more actions: copy the image ID to the clipboard, run the docker image inspect command, or show labels applied to the image.

Docker image properties

Images with no tags <none>:<none> can be one of the following:

  • Intermediate images that serve as layers for other images and do not take up any space.

  • Dangling images that remain when you rebuild an image based on a newer version of another image. You should regularly prune dangling images to preserve disk space.

To hide untagged images from the list, click The Filter menu on the Docker toolbar, and remove the checkmark from Untagged Images.

To delete one or several images, select them in the list and click The Delete Image button.