Code Style: Twig
Windows and Linux: File | Settings | Code Style | Twig
macOS: PhpStorm | Preferences | Code Style | Twig
CtrlAlt0S or
Use this page to configure formatting options for Twig templates. View the result in the Preview pane.
Item | Description |
Use tab character |
Indent | In this field, specify the number of spaces to be inserted for each indent level. |
In this tab, configure the coding style for Twig.
Item | Description |
Spaces inside delimiters | Select this checkbox to have PhpStorm automatically insert spaces inside tag block delimiters |
Spaces inside variable delimiters | Select this checkbox to have PhpStorm automatically insert spaces inside variable block delimiters |
Spaces inside comment delimiters | Select this checkbox to have PhpStorm automatically insert spaces inside comment block delimiters |
The link appears in the upper-right corner of the page, when applicable. Click this link and choose the language to be used as the base for the current language code style.
To return to the initial set of code style settings and discard the changes, click Reset.
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