Create New Project: Specify Web Path (Local)
File | New Project From Existing Files | Web server is installed locally, source files are located under its document root
The page opens when you click Next on the Create New Project: Specify Local Server or on the Create New Project: Add Local Server page. On this page, compose the Web path to access the project root directory via HTTP.
Item | Description |
Web path for project root | In this field, specify the URL path that shall be added to the URL address (hostname and port) previously defined as Web server URL. In most cases, it's the same as the name of the project folder under the server document root, for example |
Project URL | This read-only field shows the full URL address at which the project root directory will be available. PhpStorm dynamically constructs the full URL address by appending the value you type in the Web path for project root field (for example, In the provided example, the resulting Project URL is |
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