dotTrace 2022.2 Help


Threads Tree



Main thread

Main thread stands out against other threads, so it is marked with special icon.

Thread with message

Threads that do message pumping are marked with this special icon.

Themed icon jet brains profiler ui resources measure controller stop drop screen

This icon is used for the finalizer thread.

High own time

This icon shows whether most of the execution time is spent in this function call or in its children. In other words, the icon informs you that the function has high own time.

Critical path

This icon informs you that the execution time of a function and all its children are rather high, so this execution path is critical.

End of critical path

This icon shows the end of a call chain.

Studying profiling results adding annotations annotation

This icon is displayed near annotated functions. For more information about annotated functions, see Add Annotations.

Working with profiling results line by line profiling injected

This icon is displayed near functions profiled line by line. For more information about line-by-line profiling, see 5. (Optional) Configuring filters for the line-by-line profiling.

Working with profiling results line by line profiling injected planned

This icon is displayed near functions that will be profiled line by line. For more information about line-by-line profiling, see 5. (Optional) Configuring filters for the line-by-line profiling.

Ico bar

This icon informs you that the current function not only calls other functions, but also does some work. It visually represents the contribution to parent's node execution time.

Ico recursive

This icon is displayed near recursive calls that can be folded. For more information, see Fold Recursive Calls.

Ico recursive collapse

This icon is displayed near folded recursive calls.

Callchain unfolded

This icon is displayed near filtered calls that can be folded. For more information see Fold Filtered Calls.

Callchain folded

This icon is displayed near folded filtered calls.

Filtered function

A snapshot node is grayed out if the corresponding function is matched by one of the configured filters. For more information, see Apply Filters.

Hotspot icon

This icon shows hot spot calls.

Call Tree



High own time

This icon shows whether most of the execution time was/is spent in this function call or in its children. In other words, the icon informs you that the function has high own time.

Critical path

This icon informs you that the execution time of a function and all its children are rather high, so this execution path is critical.

End of critical path

This icon shows the end of a call chain.

Studying profiling results adding annotations annotation

This icon is displayed near annotated functions. For more information about annotated functions, see Add Annotations.

Working with profiling results line by line profiling injected

This icon is displayed near functions profiled line by line. For more information about line-by-line profiling, see 5. (Optional) Configuring filters for the line-by-line profiling.

Working with profiling results line by line profiling injected planned

This icon is displayed near functions that will be profiled line by line. For more information about line-by-line profiling, see 5. (Optional) Configuring filters for the line-by-line profiling.

Ico bar

This icon informs you that the current function not only calls other functions, but also does some work. It visually represents the contribution to parent's node execution time.

Ico recursive

This icon displayed near recursive calls that can be folded. For more information, see Fold Recursive Calls.

Ico recursive collapse

This icon is displayed near folded recursive calls.

Callchain unfolded

This icon is displayed near filtered calls that can be folded. For more information see Fold Filtered Calls.

Callchain folded

This icon is displayed near folded filtered calls.

Filtered function

A snapshot node is grayed out if the corresponding function is matched by one of the configured filters. For more information, see Apply Filters.

Hotspot icon

This icon shows hot spot calls.

Plain List



Studying profiling results adding annotations annotation

This icon is displayed near annotated functions. For more information about annotated functions, see Add Annotations.

Filtered function

A snapshot node is grayed out if the corresponding function is matched by one of the configured filters. For more information, see Apply Filters.

Hotspot icon

This icon shows hot spot calls.

Hot Spots



Main thread

Main thread stands out against other threads, so it is marked with special icon.

Thread with message

Threads that do message pumping are marked with this special icon.

Themed icon jet brains profiler ui resources measure controller stop drop screen

This icon is used for the finalizer thread.

Studying profiling results adding annotations annotation

This icon is displayed near annotated functions. For more information about annotated functions, see Add Annotations.

Filtered function

A snapshot node is grayed out if the corresponding function is matched by one of the configured filters. For more information, see Apply Filters.

Back Traces



Main thread

Main thread stands out against other threads, so it is marked with special icon.

Thread with message

Threads that do message pumping are marked with this special icon.

Themed icon jet brains profiler ui resources measure controller stop drop screen

This icon is used for the finalizer thread.

Studying profiling results adding annotations annotation

This icon is displayed near annotated functions. For more information about annotated functions, see Add Annotations.

Working with profiling results line by line profiling injected

This icon is displayed near functions profiled line by line. For more information about line-by-line profiling, see 5. (Optional) Configuring filters for the line-by-line profiling.

Working with profiling results line by line profiling injected planned

This icon is displayed near functions that will be profiled line by line. For more information about line-by-line profiling, see 5. (Optional) Configuring filters for the line-by-line profiling.

Callchain unfolded

This icon is displayed near filtered calls that can be folded. For more information see Fold Filtered Calls.

Callchain folded

This icon is displayed near folded filtered calls.

Filtered function

A snapshot node is grayed out if the corresponding function is matched by one of the configured filters. For more information, see Apply Filters.

Hotspot icon

This icon shows hot spot calls.

Last modified: 01 August 2022