dotTrace 2024.2 Help

Adjust Time

Performance Viewer | Edit | Adjust Time




Specify the target measure that should be adjusted:

  • Selected function - total time - execution time of a function plus time taken by any functions called by this function

  • Selected function - own time - own function execution time

  • All functions of class 'classname' - total execution time of all functions in the given class

Apply adjustment to

Selected call stack

Click this radio button to apply adjustment to selected call stack only.

All call stacks

Click this radio button to apply adjustment to all call stacks in a snapshot.

All call stacks with 'function name' as parent function

Click this radio button to apply adjustment to all call stacks that have the selected function as a root function.


Specify the adjustment factor. You change a factor value between 0% and 100%. 100% corresponds to original time. 0% corresponds to zero time.

Restore Original Value

Click this button to restore original values.

Last modified: 11 February 2024